Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Amazing Race 9 - The Penultimate Post

After mourning the loss of Lake & Michelle for several weeks, I was delighted that Team MoJo stepped in and delivered as the token dysfunctional couple. Although sad to see them go, I must admit the payoff of their postrace interview was as delightful as an after-dinner mint.

"Stepping onto the mat in last place, dating couple Joseph & Monica received the bad news from Phil that they had been eliminated from the Race. Through her tears, Monica remarked on her partner, "What I really took away from all this is how much he supported me. Joseph really is my rock and I could not have gotten through this without him." Joseph added, "Monica being there right by my side helps me go on. We’re definitely going to get married one day and have a family." Monica ended by noting, "We have each other when we get home and we have this Race to look back on for the rest of our lives. It’s such a beautiful gift." "

Were these guys watching the same race I was? You know the one where Monica has a never ending supply of saltwater gushing out of her head, and Joseph is screaming at her as soon as the first tear rolls down her cheek? He was so busy being her "rock" at the yield that they completely missed the fact that the timer was out of sand…I'd love to have them over for an evening of Boggle sometime. The only thing that brought them together the end was the fact that BJ & Tyler took over as the target of Joseph's rage. Monica does have a point though, were it not for Joseph kicking her ass across the globe, she wouldn't have survived the first leg. I think the scene where she's standing in the middle of the Thai market tearfully holding a wood plank with only 2 pots left on it sums her up in a single image. Or maybe it was that one where she was standing in the Italian market tearfully holding a giant fish? Ah…forget it. I'll just burn a copy of those pink hot-shorts into my memory and be done with it.

It appears that the Poon Hounds are going to walk away with the million in anti-climactic fashion. Too bad, because the last thing those guys need is one million dollars to fund another 5 years of beach volleyball and skirt chasing. I loved watching them making plays at the other teams' girlfriends, simply because there was nobody left for them to work on. Trolling for booty is so programmed into the core of their beings, they simply don't know how to turn it off. It's like being stuck in a horrible Vince Vaughn movie full-time with no way out.

Ray & Yolanda, I'm rooting for you…I hope it matters, but I'm afraid it doesn't.