Monday, June 19, 2006

"Damn You Frat Boys!"

The rallying cry of the hippy!

I lost interest in Ray & Yolanda when I saw that she was simply going to turn the race into an internal battle for relationship respect. She'd been doing it for awhile, but I had figured she'd be past it by the final legs when the million dollars was at hand. Ah well, I did manage to pay them a final chuckle when he was pointing out that she didn't want sit in the back and read the map while he drives, and then when he lets her drive, she's not happy because she wants to read the map. As he figures out that she's simply going to find fault with whatever system they devise, he sums it up nicely with his "Driving Miss Crazy" remark...although a simple "Yes'm" would've done just fine.

With those two off the radar, I could only marvel at the amazing transformation taking place on the screen in front of me. The hippies and the poon hounds switched bodies somewhere in Japan. B.J. & Tyler begin playing deceitful mindgames on the hounds...then laughingly take the time to flirt with Japanese girls while the hounds watched on in disgust. The bravado and commentary began streaming out of their furry mouths at every turn while the dejected hounds clammed up under the enormously visible pressure they suddenly felt themselves under when they realized they weren't going to shake the hippies.

The ultimate payoff was when the poonies saw that the final challenge was coming down to a mental exercise, and that they were grossly overmatched by the college-educated hippies. The looks on their faces as they stepped on the mat in second place said it all...the realization that no matter how good-looking they are, there will always be someone far less attractive yet far more savvy than them around waiting to take money out of their pockets (and probably land girls like the Stinky Pinkies...once they figure out where the cash went, of course). Bad news're guys. Looks are relatively meaningless. Just ask Jay-Z.

My apologies that this post is a little stale. I meant to get this out far sooner, but only watched it before taking off to Puerto Rico last week (training for a future Amazing Race?). In preparation for my inaugural visit to Latin America, I grew a killer mustache and learned how to ask three phrases in Spanish...well OK, two of these I picked up over a three year immersion period at the Fair Lakes Don Pablo's:

1) ¿Can I have more cheese in these quesadillas?
2) ¡That toilet won't flush anymore!
3) ¿How much for the lapdance?

Unfortunately I only got to use two of them. That, plus the fact that the most strenuous exercise I had last week was sliding from my pool chair into the water like a manatee has enabled me to add the final 5 pounds that has landed me in a three way "biggest loser" style competition between myself, Michelle, and our family cat. I'm the one in the red tank top and shorts with the hershey kiss wrappers stuck in the drawstrings.